Hello again my creative friends. I have thrown in the virtual towel when it comes to keeping real plants alive for any length of time. I am happy that I can keep my kids, husband, fish and puppy alive for now. Plants are too low on the totem pole. That being said, I couldn't let the gorgeous copper planter box I bought earlier in the spring sit with dead seasonal plants in it nor empty for that matter. I went to Joanne's Fabrics and found some beautiful silk florals ON SALE, making this venture all the more worth it. I had some chicken wire sitting around and I cut that into rectangular shapes about 7 inches wide by the width of the wiring itself. I had to use 2 pieces and I rolled them up into a half moon shape and placed them into the dry dirt in the planter box. I then cut up the stems of the silk florals and created a lovely colorful fall arrangement that would fool most people into thinking it's REAL!! Take a peek at the photos.